Currency: USD
USD - US Dollar
EUR - Euro
GBP - British Pound
JPY - Japan Yen
AED - Arab Emir. Dirham
AUD - Australia Dollars
BRL - Brazil Reais
CAD - Canada Dollars
CHF - Switzerland Francs
DKK - Denmark Kroner
HKD - Hong Kong Dollars
IDR - Indonesia Rupiahs
INR - India Rupees
KRW - South Korea Won
MOP - Macau Pataca
MYR - Malaysia Ringgits
NOK - Norway Kroner
NZD - New Zealand Dollars
PHP - Philippines Pesos
RUB - Russia Rubles
SAR - Saudi Arabia Riyals
SEK - Sweden Kronor
THB - Thailand Baht
TRY - Turkey Lira
TWD - Taiwan New Dollars
SGD - Singapore Dollars
ZAR - South Africa Rand
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